I’ve never been good at writing about myself; I always either leave out or say too much.

I’ll keep things short; hopefully I find a balance this time:

So, who are you?

I’m a Canadian computer engineering student that likes to wonder what things would be like if I pursued the humanities instead of STEM.

This is me in first year wearing a banana costume:


I specifically mentioned history, trivia and music on my home page. I’ve had a obsession with trivia since I was very young; naming flags and reading any atlas I could get my hands on. As I grew up that progressed into history; I keep up through random researching and Wikipedia rabbit holes.

More recently in my life, I’ve become quite attached to music. I believe music is the greatest form of media. My favourite artists, songs and albums have become integral to who I am.

If you’re interested here’s my Topster:


What is all this?

Back in my second term of university (January - April 2024), some friends of mine were making a webring for our program. This finally gave me an excuse to stop procrastinating and make a website for myself.

I didn’t always like writing. Until grade 11, I was firm on the idea that English being a mandatory course in high school was a bad idea (horrible take). I don’t know what switch flipped in me the next year, but all of a sudden I had a newfound love for writing, reading and analysis that extended beyond my essays for english or history. Music became really exciting, I wanted to read again for the first time since grade 5, and I now had a lot more to say.

I don’t plan on using this in the same way other people would use their personal website; hosting their projects and acting as a portfolio of sorts. For that, go back to the home page and open my GitHub or resume. I want an outlet for whatever I feel like writing about.

In that case, what are you gonna write about?

Mostly media, but generally, whatever I feel like talking about. Could be recent events in my life, could be talking about some project I’ve undertaken. But I want all the options.

Hopefully that was a good introduction. Regardless, welcome.
